My account is disabled after taking time off or not attending at my scheduled start date. How can I re-activate my account?

Brenau automatically disables accounts after two terms of non-enrollment or when a scheduled start date is missed.  The form below can be used to request re-activation of your account if you are returning to the university.

Reactivation Request Form 

Use this form if you are a returning Brenau student and you have:

1) missed more than one semester of enrollment but less than two years 
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2) not attended another institution
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3) Your major is not nursing . Nursing students must reapply (for admission to Brenau) via as well as the nursing department (for readmission to the nursing program ) after a lapse of enrollment.
– or – if you are a new Brenau student and will defer your start term to another term (students who defer past summer semester please contact the admissions office for re-evaluation as the catalog changes between summer and fall semester.)

If you believe this to be in error and are actively enrolled, please contact the Registrar at to determine why your account has been disabled.

Creation date: 11/13/2018 12:07 PM      Updated: 4/3/2020 7:59 AM