We want to create a mail merge newsletter for our department.

Creation date: 2/25/2021 9:20 AM    Updated: 2/17/2025 11:13 AM
Brenau already subscribes to a tool called "YAMM" (Yet Another Mail Merge) which allows you to maintain a list of users in a spreadsheet and send them periodic communications.  Some departments have been procuring licenses for MailChimp but that will both take a lot of time to learn and it will cost the university about $200/yr.  We recommend you review the information below regarding YAMM.  If you decide you use MailChimp, you will need to contact the IT department before you send your first newsletter or it will fail.  There are changes that need to be made to the account in order for your MailChimp account to be authorized to send mail on Brenau's behalf.   Just let us know which way to decide to proceed.

Brenau has purchased a script for performing Mail Merges directly in Google Drive called "Yet Another Mail Merge". For information on how to use it, see the following video:


For detailed documentation, click here: https://support.yet-another-mail-merge.com/hc/en-us/categories/201313669-Getting-Started

This screenshot shows you were you will see the script when you are in a Google Spreadsheet:

NOTE: YAMM does support sending emails using delegated accounts.  The way to do it is in your Gmail Settings under Accounts - Send As User.  Add the delegate account there and select "treat as alias".  After doing that, you will be able to set the delegate email as the sender on your mail merges.
