How do I import content from an older course in a different session

1. Select Settings from the Navigation Bar.
2. Select Import Course Content.

3.  Select Copy a Canvas Course from the drop Down Menu and type in Course to Import From

4. Select All content, Shift Dates, and input the date to shift to. Since this is from Spring to Summer it will be as shown below. Then click the Import Button.

5. A progress bar is shown and will show running and then Complete once it has been completed. If the Completed button is green there were no issues found. If it is orange as in this case, there were issues found. You can select the Issue link to show the found issues. This issue is that dates couldn't be adjusted on a discussion Board and you will need to go in and manually adjust the dates.

Creation date: 4/22/2019 1:20 PM      Updated: 4/22/2019 1:22 PM
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