Logging Into Brenau Email, TigerMail, CampusWEB & Canvas

On July 15, 2018, Brenau University implemented a Single Sign-On (SSO) portal at http://my.brenau.edu that handles user authentication for students, faculty, and staff for Brenau email, TigerMail, CampusWEB and Canvas.

Students, faculty and staff are required to enter their username and a password that they created when the set the password on their first login to the SSO portal.

Students, faculty and staff will see app icons for services they are authorized to use after logging into the SSO portal.  By clicking on the app icon, passwords for email, CampusWEB and Canvas are automatically handled and the user is logged into the server and the site opened in a new web browser tab.


Direct login to email, CampusWEB, or Canvas is not recommended for active students, faculty and staff because these services use a different password usernames and passwords.  Passwords to email, CampusWEB and Canvas can not be changed by the end user.


To complete your initial password setup, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to http://my.brenau.edu
  2. Click on Account Activation link
  3. Enter your personal email address and click Next button
    1. Enter your 6-digit ID and click the Submit button
  4. You will be prompted to create a 10+ character password
You will only be able to run Account Activation once for security reasons


If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it with the following steps:
  1. Click on the Forgot Password link
  2. Enter your username and click the Submit button
  3. Select the preferred recovery method
    • Email
      • Brenau email
      • Personal email  (if you do not see your personal email, complete First Time User)
    • Text Message
  4. Check your personal email for a security code
  5. Copy and paste the security code and click Next
  6. Enter your new 10+ password
