Step-By-Step Instructions for Windows OS
Create Microsoft Office Account
- Go to Microsoft's Office in Education website.
- Enter your Tiger email address and click Get Started button

- Click on I'm a student

- Login to your Tiger email in a separate web browser tab and retrieve the security code that was sent to you by Microsoft.
- Complete the form including the security code that you received by email.

- Microsoft will prompt you that they need more information.
- You can either provide a cell phone number to receive text messages or a personal email address for password recovery.
- You will be taken to your account page after entering the security code that was sent to your preferred password recovery option.
- Click on the Install Office link and then select Office 365 Apps
MAC user only have access to the online version and cannot download to their computer.

- Click the Close button on the pop-up window, then open the Microsoft Office installer program (Setup.Def.en-us_O...exe)

- Click Yes when prompted to allow Microsoft to make changes to your computer.
- You will see the Microsoft Office installation program open. You
need to remain connected to the Internet while the program downloads.
You will be prompted when the program completes installation of
Microsoft Office 365.

- After Microsoft Office installation completes, search for Word
and run it. You will be prompted to sign-in to Microsoft Office 365.
Enter your Tiger email address and your Microsoft Office account
Step-By-Step Instructions for macOS
- Before installing Microsoft Office 365, it is recommended that you uninstall any existing version of Microsoft Office on your computer.
- Go to Microsoft's Office in Education website.
- Enter your Tiger email address and click Get Started button.
- Click on I'm a student.
- Login to your Tiger email in a separate web browser tab and retrieve the security code that was sent to you by Microsoft.
- Complete the form including the security code that you received by email.
- Microsoft will prompt you that they need more information.
- You can either provide a cell phone number to receive text messages or a personal email address for password recovery.
- You will be taken to your account page after entering the security code that was sent to your preferred password recovery option.
- Click on the Install Office link and then select Office 365 Apps
- The Microsoft installer will download to your computer.
- You can also click Other Install Options to install Office in different languages or to specify the downloads you would like.
- Double-click the Microsoft installer to begin installation.
- Click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions to install Office.
- You may be asked “How would you like to get started?” after you install Office.
- Click Sign in to an existing Office 365 subscription and enter your Tiger email address and password.