How do I perform Plagarism Review on an Assignment using SimCheck

Vericite is now TurnItIn-SimCheck in Canvas

TurnItIn has recently purchased VeriCite. Therefore, we have had to make some necessary changes in Canvas. Even though we removed the VeriCite integration form Canvas for a smooth transition, the enable VeriCite link still appears in the Assignment settings. We’re currently working with our Canvas representative to get that removed.

Going forward to enable a plagiarism check on an assignment you will need to select TurnItIn-SimCheck in the Plagiarism Review section of the assignment rather than clicking the check box to Enable VeriCite until it is removed.

Here is a link with SimCheck information for Instructors:

Here is a link that can be sent to students:

Creation date: 1/14/2021 5:11 PM      Updated: 1/14/2021 5:11 PM
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